Questions to Consider
The information in this web site compels us to ask and answer the following questions:
What should regulate the worship of God? Is the word of God, which is contained in the Holy Scriptures, a better guide than the traditions of men or the consciences of Christians? Why or why not?
When we try to interpret Jesus’s words and actions at the Last Supper, should we consider the historical and religious context, including the Jewish traditions surrounding the Passover meal? In particular, what did Jesus mean, and His hearers understand, when Jesus said, “This fruit of the vine”?
At what time of the year did the Passover meal and Last Supper take place? At what time of year did the grape harvest take place? What does this tell us about the contents of the cup that Jesus and His disciples used at the Lord’s Supper?
If Jesus used wine in the Lord’s Supper, what should we use in the Lord’s Supper? Why?
Since Jesus Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper, are we free to change the Lord’s Supper? Why or why not?
When the Apostle Paul wrote the terms “cup” and “the cup of blessing,” what was the source of those terms?
Did the Apostle Paul criticize the Corinthians for becoming drunk at their observances of the Lord’s Supper? If so, what does that tell us about the content of the communion cup?
Is drinking wine a sin? Why or why not? What implications do the answers to these questions have for the contents of the communion cup?
Is the popular practice of using unfermented grape juice in the Lord’s Supper supported by the Holy Scripture?
Does the Bible give us reason to believe that the use of grape juice is acceptable to God? Why or why not? Is grape juice “close enough” to wine to serve as a substitute for wine in the Lord’s Supper? Why or why not? Does a ceremony in which grape juice is given and received still meet the definition for the Lord’s Supper? If not, is a ceremony in which grape juice is used still the Lord’s Supper anyway? Why or why not?
What does our study of history teach us about the use of unfermented grape juice in the Lord’s Supper?
What moral obligations do we have to fellow Christians, if we believe they are in error or ignorance about the Lord’s Supper?