About this Website
This web site is intended for the glory of God, by instructing individual Christians, congregations, and church officers about the need to use real wine, the fermented juice of grapes, in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Much of this website reproduces some parts of a report written for the Midwest Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America in 2006.
The author of this website is Jeff Yelton. Jeff graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis with a Master of Divinity degree in 1988. He was the pastor of several reformed and Presbyterian churches, most recently the Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA) in Clarinda, Iowa. He recently retired as the chaplain of Osawatomie State Hospital in Osawatomie, Kansas. His ministerial credentials are in the Midwest Presbytery of the Reformed Church of North America, but he was formally censured, and suspended from the exercise of the office of minister, by the Midwest presbytery on February 29, 2024.
If anyone notices any errors of either fact or logic in this website, the author sincerely desires to be corrected. He may be contacted by using the contact form below.
This website was first published on September 19, 2017, but has been revised many times since then.
The downloadable paper below is a new and improved version of the paper submitted to the 2019 Synod of the RPCNA. This paper may be presented to a future Synod of the RPCNA. In the meantime, any elder or church is welcome to download and adapt this paper for his or her use. The author hereby surrenders all rights.
Readers are also welcome to download a brochure. This brochure is suitable for mass distribution and for anyone who wants a very brief summary of the topic of wine in the Lord’s Supper. (Please print on both sides of the paper.)
Readers are also welcome to purchase the author’s book, entitled, “Wine in the Lord’s Supper,” which is available on Amazon.
Contact Us
RPCNA position paper (revised on 9/25/2021)
(Please print on both sides of the paper, and do not adjust the margins.)